The Blue Sky West Tube Shack
The Blue Sky West Tube Shack is located at 735 Yampa. Rentals are $25 per tube and include a shuttle back into town. Single and double tubes available. First come, first serve.
Rates: $25/Person
Open 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Tubing is seasonal, it typically begins late June and ends when Mother Nature dictates. The river can become too low for tubing some summers.
Life Jackets and Shuttle Included
Bootie/shoe rentals available $5 pair
Kids 6 and over depending on river flows
Tubing Rules
Life jackets recommended and often required pending flows and age.
Absolutely NO TRASH! No drinks, food, etc on the Yampa River.
Tubes must stay between 5th street to the James Brown Bridge.
Shoes required (no flip flops).
Frequently Asked Questions
About 2 miles or just over an hour on the water.
Mid mornings are best. That way you typically avoid the afternoon thunder showers, the crowds, and the chance that we sell out of tubes for the day.
Absolutely not. No trash on the river. It is illegal to have an open container on the river.
At the James Brown Soul Center of the Universe Bridge. You will see a huge sign that reads “TUBERS EXIT HERE”
Swim trunks, hat sunglasses (with a retainer so they don’t get lost). Please wear sunscreen and shoes (no flip flops).
Please leave your pet at home or make arrangements with a friend.
Please lock your valuables and wallet in your car. We are happy to hold your keys at the desk.